The A&B brand, born in 2001, belongs to A&B Innovative Solutions. In that year, 2001, the organization began its research activity with the aim to research, manufacture and market chemical and biological products for professional use which also had a low impact on the environment and on the persons who used them.
Today, the objective still remains the same but now our commitment is possibly greater than ever.
The combination of Clean Technologies, Green Chemistry, Biotechnology and above all, our closeness to our customers allow us to provide innovative, efficient and effective solutions to the market, which are much more beneficial than traditional products; where we have maximized the safety of their use and ensure the compliance with the legal regulations for our customers.
We work hard to reduce the hazardous raw materials of the formulas so that our products have maximum respect for the environment and the persons who use them.
All our solutions maximize use safety and facilitate the compliance with the legal regulations by our customers.

We believe that every step matters; from reducing our carbon footprint to promoting fair labor practices, with the goal of making a positive difference.
Consult our Sustainability Report where we collect our contribution towards a more fair, inclusive and sustainable future.
To provide society with innovative solutions as well as chemical and biotechnological products which are safer and more environmentally-friendly.
A group of satisfied people whose hard work has permitted the founding of an innovative and profitable company that is close to its customers and represents a major benchmark in the market for its sustainable products.
Creativity and innovation, continual improvement, respect and personal satisfaction, participation and team work, the supply of added-value to customers as well as social responsibility.
We replace toxic and hazardous raw materials to guarantee your health and minimize the environmental impact.

A&B products include enzymes and microorganisms in our products to accordingly minimize the chemical load, replacing it with a biological load which degrades the organic matter.

Ecodesign means taking the Environment into account during the product development process. It is an added value and additional advantage to be considered along with traditional factors of quality and cost.

European Ecolabel
The European Ecolabel is a distinction in products that guarantees compliance with the most demanding controls and ecological criteria, among which, we highlight the exclusion of substances harmful to the environment and health.
Why select us?
We develop new biotechnology solutions to cover the specific needs for each type of customer, always with maximum respect for environmental and people’s health

We analyse the solutions offered to our customers and subject them to specific effectiveness and quality controls to guarantee the compliance with the required standards.

Cost savings
Our multi-function ecological products facilitate the simplicity of the processes, reducing operating costs and minimizing the waste management.

Health and Safety
We reduce the use of hazardous raw materials in our formulas to guarantee the best work conditions by developing the safest products for use.

By means of eco-design and the use of clean technologies (green chemistry and biotechnology), we develop our products to minimize the environmental impact and pollution as well as contribute to conserve resources.
We have been awarded several times at the European Business Awards for the Environment. These awards are organised biennially to recognize and compensate the companies for their outstanding environmental behaviour and their contribution to sustainable economic development.

SDG Awards 2023 – “Prosperity”
Award "Prosperity" in the 1st edition of the SDG Awards; based in the sustainability and the promotion of the circular economy.

2023 CEX Award
Award obtained for our good practices in the decarbonization field.

Arizmendiarrieta-Anitua Award 2023
Award obtained in his first edition for the integration in his management of the Inclusive Participatory Business Model (MIPE in Spain); a business model based on cooperation.

European Business Awards for the Environment 2018-2019
European section of micro and small entities in the Management for Sustainable Development category.

European Business Award for the Environment 2017-2018
Basque Country and Spain sections in the category of Management for a Sustainable Development”

European Business Award for the Environment 2015-2016
Basque Country section in the category of Management for a Sustainable Development

European Business Award for the Environment 2011-2012,
special commendation for the product “Machine Eco Detergent” (DD 474) – Basque Country section

European Business Award for the Environment 2009-2010
special commendation for the product “Disinfectant Cleaner” (DD 465) – Basque Country and Spain section

The product “Enzymatic multi-purpose cleaner” (DD 456) is recognised as Best product of the year 2009
Recognised by ASELBI (Association of Cleaning Entrepreneurs of Biscay)

First San Prudencio Foundation Award
First San Prudencio Foundation Award for good corporate environmental practises in 2008 and Corporate Social Responsibility in 2012
Our Integrated Management System encompasses all the processes, whose different areas are certified by AENOR.
A&B Laboratorios de Biotecnología is the first company in the Chemical sector in Spain to obtain the Eco-Design certification under the Standard: UNE 150301 (current ISO 14006). We were also the first Euskadi Company to obtain the European Eco-Label.

Please give us your data and we will contact you as soon as possible to provide expert advice and find the best solution.
If you are interested in joining our team and would like to become an ambassador for our solutions, please contact us
International presence
In recent years, an aperture process has been launched in international markets with a clear commitment to eco-innovative products and services for a global world with an extensive and powerful awareness of the climate emergency.
Years of experience
Eco-designed products

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