We will participate in the 2021 LAN Workdays, a series of debates to inaugurate new employment expectations in Alava
The initiative, organized by the newspaper: “El Correo Álava” titled “Empleo y Medio Ambiente” (“Employment and Environment”), inaugurated a debate series on the Alava economy and job creation.
In this setting, we have shared experiences together with representatives from Michelin, the foundation: “Fundación Vital”, the Town Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the LANAK Group and we have coincided that the Green Economy, represents a major opportunity to make organizations more competitive and consequently, create new job expectations in Alava.
Likewise, our R&D+i Manager, Jon Kepa Izaguirre has highlighted the investment in product innovation, taking into account the importance of Eco-Design and the application of Environmental criteria in their entire life cycle. He also emphasized the need to foster the Circular Economy and align this innovation with the European RIS3 Strategy (Research and Innovation Smart Specialisation Strategy).