A&B received the 1st Arizmendiarrieta-Anitua Award
The A&B Innovative Solutions Organisation which reports to A&B live Bio Solutions was honoured with the Arizmendiarrieta-Anitua Award for the participation strategy of their professional team in the corporate management processes.
As published in the newspaper article of Estrategia Empresarial, the objective of this award is to recognise the companies, regardless if they are in the services or industrial sector, that have been outstanding in their application of the management values and practices recommended by the Inclusive Participatory Business Model (MIPE in Spain); a business model based on cooperation, in which the employees comprise part of the company’s decision-making process through dialogue and participation.
This award is organised by the Foundations: Fundación Arizmendiarreta and Fundación Diocesanas-Jesús Obrero (Egibide), with the collaboration of the Town Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Provincial Government of Álava, the Álava Chamber and the Business Association: SEA-Empresas Alavesas.
The awards ceremony shall be held at the Egibide-Molinuevo campus on the 20th of March.