We grow in ecodesigned solutions
A philosophy that seeks to design sustainable products and services that minimize environmental impact throughout the product’s life cycle, from design through production, use and withdrawal from the market.
And it is under this philosophy that our products are developed, under the ISO 14006 standard, a tool that provides guidelines to help establish, implement, maintain and continuously improve through ecodesign, as part of the ISO 9001 and ISO14001 certificates.
Once again, this year, after performing external audits by AENOR, we have added 14 new products to the list of ecodesigned products.
To easily identify these products, the Ecodesign icon appears on A&B solutions that have been designed under ISO 14006, incorporating environmental improvements in their life cycle to reduce their environmental impact.
This is our commitment to the environment and the line of work we follow when developing new A&B solutions… continuous improvement!