
Rocío López de Lapuente con el Limpiador Multiusos Enzimático DD 456 en el que ha basado su trabajo de fin de master

Master’s Degree Final Project in Circular Economy

Instead of the traditional “use and throw-away” economy, #CircularEconomy aims to recycle all materials as many times as possible, hence extending the life cycle and creating added value.

Accordingly, Eusko Jaurlaritza – Basque Government and UPV/EHU have premièred the 1st Master’s Degree course in Circular Economy: its application to the company with a clear focus on industrial companies”.

In recent years, Rocío López de Lapuente, a student from this 1st academic course, during her job experience at an industrial company, acquired valuable first-hand knowledge about several #cleaning #solutions which we provide to the trademark and which she found to be very interesting. Thus, when she had to select a firm with which to collaborate during the #Master’sDegree, she chose A&B, since it was an #Alava #Company and a pioneer in #sustainability.

Her Master’s Degree Final Project for which she relied on the expert assistance from our Quality and R&D+i Manager Jon Kepa Izaguirre Goyoaga, consisted in preparing an  Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) based on the  Life Cycle Analysis (ACV, in Spanish) for one of our products, the Multi-purpose Enzymatic Cleaner DD456.

We are very pleased with the outstanding results of her work, which has planned different improvement scenarios and which shall help us to make key decisions about the product.